How to Welcome a Person to Read Scripture

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Phrases for welcome speeches

l+ unlike ways to say welcome to your guests

By: Susan Dugdale | Concluding modified: 04-08-2021

The claiming of a welcome speech is to detect alternate means to express yourself sincerely without resorting to a cord of undifferentiated "same-former, same-one-time" words and phrases that have become meaningless through overuse to greet your guests with.

And that there'southward an additional question. Is the result formal or breezy? Your answer will guide the linguistic communication choices you make.

What's on this page?

  • help to determine whether you demand formal or informal language
  • examples of informal and formal welcome voice communication openings
  • l+ different means to say welcome
  • 28 case sentences

Do you need to use formal or breezy language?

Is the welcome speech you're preparing formal or informal?

There are major differences. The words yous use in an informal speech will exist entirely out of place in a formal one. You need to know what is right for the occasion if you desire your oral communication to be a success.

The video beneath explains the difference and provides six example spoken language openings to illustrate: 3 formal and three informal.

How to avoid repetition making your voice communication boring!

Repetition of a familiar word is very piece of cake to do and totally understandable.

Sometimes we can't detect the words we want and we get stuck in a vocabulary rut, using the same phrase or word over and over, and once more, trying to make information technology cover multiple and/or different situations.

Image: retro woman giving a welcome speech,and repeating the word

And yet we know, words are just similar clothes. I size does does non fit all.

What's the solution?

Hither's three suggestions to individualize or tailor your words to fit your event a little improve. And they'll be more than interesting for the audience to listen to!

With care you lot'll find most will accommodate either formal or breezy use.

1. Add together an describing word to the word welcome

Try working in an describing word to describe the quality of your welcome more fully.

I've provided an example sentence or two alongside each adjective to bear witness how it could be used in context.

I know some examples are much more successful, (smoothen to say and read), than others.

Some, quite frankly, clunk a piffling. (I say this with a wry smile ☺!)

If y'all decide to utilise the feature word in those that do, perhaps you lot'll detect a way to use information technology more eloquently!

What sort of welcome are y'all offer?

It could be a(north):

  • warm welcome
    "Luckily the weather is on our side today! The sun and I are pleased to offer you a warm welcome."
  • hearty welcome
     "Hither's a hearty welcome, big and warm enough to encompass yous all! To say we are thrilled to meet you is an understatement."
  • cheerful welcome
    "It's my pleasance to extend a cheerful welcome to you all! Your presence makes the states very happy."
  • cordial welcome
    "Fellow members, please join me in giving our guests the most cordial of welcomes."
  • sociable welcome
    "Permit'southward hear it for a sociable welcome! On the count of three, turn to your neighbor and say 'hello'. In that location are no strangers hither, but friends we are yet to come across."
  • genial welcome
    "Information technology'due south my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome."
  • convivial welcome
    "On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you lot all a convivial welcome. We are going to take a merry and enjoyable fourth dimension together."
  • agreeable welcome
    "The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. Information technology's a great day, one we've been planning and waiting for. I'k certain you'll concord, this is an agreeable welcome."
  • pleasing welcome
    "Information technology's gratifying to expect around and see so many familiar faces. That's a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a nifty
    conference ... "

Or peradventure it's a(n):

  • glad welcome
    "It's a glad welcome we bring to y'all this morning, filled with the desires, hopes and dreams we all share."
  • hospitable welcome
    "We're delighted to offering the most hospitable welcome we can."
  • affable welcome
    "Love guests, wait around you! An amiable welcome total of friendship is yours."
  • gracious welcome
    "Our desire is to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you. For now let's put aside our differences and instead celebrate what brings us together!"

What virtually a(n):

  • genial welcome
    "It'southward my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome."
  • convivial welcome
    "On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together."
  • agreeable welcome
    "The flags are flying. The balloons are set for release. It's a keen day, 1 we've been planning and waiting for. I'm sure you'll concur, this is an agreeable welcome."
  • pleasing welcome
    "It's gratifying to expect around and see and so many familiar faces. That's a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a cracking
    conference ... "

Image -young retro salesman. Text: What sort of welcome words  do you want? We've got cheerful, hearty, warm (the classic) and delighted.

Then at that place'southward a:

  • pleasant welcome
    "You know what'due south corking about these events? Yous are always assured of a pleasant welcome. This is feel-skillful primal and we aim ..."
  • companionable welcome
    "Looking around I can come across many familiar faces - peers, past and present colleagues. What a companionable welcome! It's great to meet yous all hither ..."
  • grateful welcome
    "Many of you have made a huge attempt to join usa today. On behalf of us all, nosotros are deeply appreciative and offer you our most grateful welcome."
  • friendly welcome
    "Today is the day we brainstorm to learn to wait through the eyes of others; to observe out and experience what the globe is like for them. It is too the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to anybody regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, an outstretched hand."

Perhaps a(due north):

  • appreciative welcome
    "Wow, what a gathering we accept here tonight. We've got dignitaries, celebrities, fans, and organizational members all brought together for one cause. Ours. Here's an appreciative welcome to you all."
  • superb welcome
    "Ladies and gentlemen, the room is ready. The tables are set. The band is playing our theme vocal. And the waiting staff are preparing to take your orders. This is a superb welcome, fit for royalty, and that's what y'all are to the states."
  • delighted welcome
    "To our special guests; wait around. Come across the smiles of everyone'southward faces? We are truly delighted to welcome you here today."
  • favored welcome
    "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight nosotros take stars in the sky, and on phase. We are favored to welcome some the brightest the world has seen."

Or a(n):

  • honored welcome
    "I await effectually the phase and am in awe with the collected expertise gathered here. We are deeply honored to welcome you."
  • big welcome
    "Here'due south to a big welcome for our guests; Lady Amelia Thistledown and Sir Roger Godfrey!"
  • huge welcome
    "Ladies and gentlemen, delight give a huge welcome to ..."
  • rapturous welcome
    "Practise you hear the applause? The audition joins me in a rapturous welcome! We are thrilled to have you with the states today."

2. What about the guests yous want to welcome?

Think nearly the guests y'all desire to welcome equally function of your speech. What sort of guests are they?  Is there a discussion, or two, you could apply to describe them more fully?

Authentic descriptions of the people coming to the issue, either as especially invited guests, or as members of the audition, helps build credibility and trust.

The care you have to find the right words is an excellent investment for everybody involved.

Image: hand drawn crowd figures. Text: Honor your guests by using words to help them stand out from the crowd.

Could your guests be amend described every bit:

  • esteemed guests?
  • brilliant guests?
  • historic guests?
  • dear guests?
  • admired guests?
  • acclaimed guests?
  • cherished guests?
  • respected guests?
  • revered guests?
  • wonderful guests?
  • popular guests?
  • much-loved guests?
  • famous guests?
  • proficient guests?
  • distinguished guests?
  • honored guests?
  • valued guests?
  • appreciated guests?
  • remarkable guests?
  • renowned guests?
  • knowledgeable guests?
  • treasured guests?

three. What well-nigh the word "guests"?

Image: cross section of an audience. Text: Who, exactly, is your audience? Are these people your peers, colleagues, customers, work mates ...

Who are you talking to? Yes, everybody in the audience is a guest to your event but what could they exist more than accurately called?

Are these people your:

  • peers?
  • colleagues?
  • associates?
  • friends?
  • family?
  • patrons?
  • members?
  • classmates?
  • workmates?
  • co-collaborators?
  • fellow-travelers, nurses, teachers ... ? (insert the appropriate descriptor)
  • affiliates?
  • visitors?
  • citizens?
  • cohorts?
  • conspirators?
  • comrades?
  • companions?
  • clients?
  • customers?

And lastly, have fun experimenting!

Do attempt mixing and matching your words and phrases to fit the occasion. After all there are more than flavors to "welcome" than vanilla!

Related pages:

  • How to write a welcome speech communication - with a sample speech
  • How to write a speech - stride by step help - a good commencement betoken if you've never prepared a speech earlier.
  • Back to meridian of phrases for welcome speeches
  • Return to homepage


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