The Art of Photography Helps Kids With Cancer · Craftwhack

I saw a story on NBC a few nights agone and knew I had to share it here. It was well-nigh a foundation that understands the ability of art-making for kids living with cancer.

Grayson, xi years old, Los Angeles

The Pablove Foundation began in Jan 2011 every bit a way to enhance money for pediatric cancer inquiry. Like about foundations of this nature, it was formed in the wake of a decease. After Pablo Thrailkill Castelaz died at age 6 from cancer, his parents began the foundation in his proper name.

"The Pablove Shutterbugs program (part of the foundation) teaches children living with cancer to develop their artistic vocalisation through the fine art of photography and we have contributed to child life programs at children's hospitals across the country."

These kids are given (to go along!) camera equipment, take an 8 week workshop, and they participate in an annual gallery showing of their work.

Joshua, ix years old, Los Angeles

The program began in LA, has spread to New York, with more areas being added in the future every bit the foundation grows, and there are also camps and intensive workshops as alternatives to the original eight calendar week program.

palm tree
Jose Manuel, 9 years old, Los Angeles

Although adequately new, information technology'southward generating a bunch of press and support. They were able to nowadays three doctors with childhood cancer research grants totaling $150,000 last year. Equally I read through their site I adult chills thinking well-nigh all of the work and love this couple has poured into growing their foundation.

I was looking through the photos and imagining these kids working with professional photographers, being encouraged to limited themselves and capture moments in their lives. The excitement that comes from having your piece of work shown in a gallery- as a child- must be listen blowing! Information technology is as an adult.

The fact that they go above and across the traditional charity to breathe risk and creativity into what could be a horribly depressing undertaking is bright. And inspiring.

Nathan, 7 years onetime, Los Angeles

Learn more than about the Pablove Foundation and Pablove Shutterbugs past clicking on the links within this mail.

What do you think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting artistic. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking office in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a grouping of shut friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come up to life.

Art started off as a hobby, but over fourth dimension Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full time as a florist and has done for many years. It helps keep her creative juices flowing and she hopes to 1 day open her own florist shop with a twist.


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